
Detector range for conventional fire systems

Eaton has a large range of detectors for conventional fire alarm systems designed to meet the demands of nearly any application. In the range, there are two main options either the flexible, easily switchable 5 in 1 detector that brings together all the detection mode or the straightforward single detection mode range. Both options include optical, photo-thermal and heat modes.

The most popular is the optical detector mode which is suitable for most commercial building application, giving the fastest response to slow burning or smouldering fires which give rise to large visible smoke particles.

The photo-thermal detector type responds quickly to fast, clean burning fires. They maintain an advantage over optical sensors when detecting smouldering fires which give rise to large visible smoke particles. The thermal enhancement of this detector allows a higher alarm threshold which provides greater rejection of false alarms. The detector will also raise an alarm at temperatures exceeding 60ºC. The heat detector option can be set in one of three sensing modes. Two fixed heat modes of 77oC or 92 oC and a rate of rise function which detects a rapid rise in temperature.

The flexibility of 5 detectors in 1


By combining five detection types into one device, multiple users benefit during specification, installation and ongoing maintenance:

  • Wholesalers - Reduces overall stock
  • Installers - Able to bulk by a single variant of detector and carry one variant around
  • Maintenance teams - Removes the need to carry smoke, heat and multi options